Does Your Marketing Plan Need a Change

Shreyas Rajan
2 min readJan 9, 2021

Change is good, right? Not always. But when is it bad? Is it a question of good or bad? It may sound philosophical. Maybe it is.

In business or in marketing, change isn’t always good. When you have certain promotional actions that are making things happen, or in better terms, making you money — don’t change them! Why do I say this? Because I see it time and time again. Someone features a marketing campaign that’s bringing a good return on investment and that they try to vary their strategy.

3 or 6 months down the road, they call back with the initial plan with no demand to possess everything back the way it was before. In this latter case — change is good. There is really some truth to the old adage “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Maybe it’s attributed to to vary everything once something gets going just the way they planned it. Who the heck knows? Change only things are drastic or when change is warranted.

Drastic circumstances deserve drastic measures. But how do you determine drastic? Sometimes that is really easy. Your company’s income is crashing. Do something! Change! Or better yet, find out what you changed and obtain it back to what was working.

A good example of a recent campaign is Swiggy, a popular Indian food delivery app which used the trending story which captured the eye of many online users. When iPhone 11 Pro was launched Swiggy shared a picture on their social handles with a stove having 3 burners which indicated the three cameras of the newly launched iPhone 11 pro. This campaign not just captured attention but engaged many social media users with the brand building more reach for its images organically.

So, next time you think that about changing your marketing plan, look to ascertain if it needs it. Look at your numbers. Are they improving? Declining? If your income goes up — don’t change anything. But if it’s taking place or flat lining — for heaven’s sake, change! Well-planned and executed marketing campaigns by professional marketers can help in earning the specified results faster with less investment and more Returns on Investment made.

